Chats with PatDr. Greer’s former assistant, Pat Pearsall, is now hosting free, casual zoom meetings on her own personal time. Pat’s focus is building a supportive community that focuses on CE5 and consciousness. Pat’s zoom group meets every three weeks. If you want to find the zoom link, go to Click the 3 bars. Choose Blog. Then choose A Chat With Pat. The zoom link will appear there shortly before the meeting. If you want to receive notifications for Pat's upcoming zoom meetings, sign up for Blog updates at Or, reach out to [email protected] directly and ask to be put on the mailing list for Pat’s zoom notifications.
ECETI Ranch - Camping & EventsLocation: Trout Lake, WA
"Where contact is happening now." This ranch is a hot spot of ET activity and just camping there can be an exciting experience. In the daytime, get a massage or some bodywork done! Click here for upcoming events. |
ET Let's Talk - Kosta Makreas' Retreats |
Kosta usually holds three retreats every year. Upcoming retreats will be posted here as soon as they are announced. To contact Kosta directly to be placed on his email list, to hear about retreats as soon as they are announced, you can email him at: [email protected]
Sirius Disclosure/Dr. Steven Greer's CE-5 Retreats |
Dr. Steven Greer holds random retreats each year. Locations and times vary. To learn when they are available, you can check in to the events page periodically (events are removed once filled). Better yet, sign up for email updates on the same page (scroll to the bottom of that page).
(The next one is set for April 6th to April 12th, 2025, and will be on the Open Ocean! Click here for more info.) |
September 6 - 13, 2024
Join with Like-Minded Souls in the Experience of a Lifetime! Explore "the truth that's out there" during our amazing "Contact at Sea" Cruise, onboard a fabulous, fun-filled ship on a seven-day cruise, in conference rooms on the ship, and during port calls in Alaska and Canada. During this illuminating, informative, enriching, unique, mind-blowing event, we will explore the truth of contact and the inevitability of disclosure with some of the most respected experts in their fields — investigators, researchers, intergalactic emissaries, starseeds, experiencers, authors, teachers, speakers, counselors, holistic healers, contactees, and abductees. This cruise will explore UFOs, extraterrestrial life, alien contact, coverups, ancient mysteries, paranormal events, holistic healing, and spiritual development. We will not only expose the lies. We will reveal the truth. As we dispel the darkness and shine the light of wisdom, we enter the true state of awakening. Click here to go to the website. |